Saturday, March 21, 2009

Anti-Bullying Create

In making the poster and broacher I used pages. You can say that the group and I used almost all functions that pages had. Everyone in the group followed the time plan. Alissar got the pictures and I got the information at the correct time. Then Maha set everything in it's place using Alissar's and my suggestions on Pages. Nothing was changed from the plan, except little things. For example placement of pictures and colors. The whole group worked hard and put lots of effort.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

ANTI-bullying Plan

My group and I have come with a plan. Unfortunately our plan is on paper and with the teacher. Each one of us have a task to give in.
Alissar: To get pictures by 25th of February.
Noor: Information by 25th  of February.
Maha: Adds all information and pictures in place on Pages. Using Alissar's and my suggestions too to help.

There may be some changes through the process because Pages may not have all function I need.
The plan was very brief and not much information because the group and I did not know exactly how the plan should be. However, the group and I used all resources available for us. 

Anti-bullying Design

I am working with Maha, Alissar in creating a brochure and poster. We are aiming this project to grades 5 to 6 . We had 3 separate designs for each, the brochure and the poster. We all came up with a final choice for the design. Our final Design will be made using Page software on mac. The designs are all labeled and sketched so it would be easier during the creating process. We will try to make our final design match our designs on paper. That will be hard because Page may not have all the functions we need.

In general all posters will be colorful and have many pictures. We will add a big title to attract people. The poster will be on a sheet of A3 paper to make it bigger. It will help aware bullying throughout the school.

In general all broachers will be colorful and have many pictures. It will have 3 pages on each side, so in total there will be 6 pages.  the broacher will be on an A4 sheet paper.

I think my group and I did well in the design stage. We all worked on a design and explained the parts of our design.